Privacy Policy on your Personal information

Check here TEAC Group's Privacy Policy.

TEAC Corporation and our group companies (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Company" or "we") holds the policy concerning the handling of personally identifiable information such as name, email address, telephone number, and mailing address (hereinafter referred to as "Personal Information") in line with the enforcement of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information.
See here to learn more on "Handling of Personal Information" on our website.

TEAC Corporation and our group companies (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Company" or "we") holds the policy concerning the handling of personally identifiable information such as name, email address, telephone number, and mailing address (hereinafter referred to as "Personal Information") in line with the enforcement of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information.
See here to learn more on "Handling of Personal Information" on our website.

How we Use your Personal information

1. Security Management of Personal Information

We ensure that any employees who handle personal information are aware of the policy concerning the handling of personal information through necessary education and training. We will strive to keep personal information accurate and up-to-date and take secure and appropriate measures against unauthorized access, loss, leakage, destruction, damage, falsification, etc.

2. Collection, Use, and Provision of Personal Information

Our company will acquire personal information by appropriate and fair methods and only use that information within the scope of purposes that are clearly stated in advance. We will not disclose personal information to any third party without obtaining prior consent from the person in question unless required by laws and regulations or for cooperation with a public institution.

3. Disclosure, Correction, Suspension of Use of Personal Information, and Response to Complaints

If the person in question requests us to disclose, correct, or suspend use of the personal information of that person held by us or makes complaints about the handling of the information, we will properly respond to such requests. We may decline the requests for disclosure and others in cases which may cause considerable interference with the Company's activities; cases which may endanger the life, body, properties, or interests and others of the person in question or a third party; or other cases in accordance with laws and/or regulations such as Act on the Personal Information Protection.

4. Outsourcing the Handling of Personal Information to Outside Parties

When we outsource the handling of personal information to outside parties, we will require the outsources not to divulge or use such information for purposes other than the original intent and implement strict control, guidance and supervision.

5.Compliance with Laws and Regulations Concerning Protection of Personal Information and Continuous Improvement

We will comply with applicable laws and regulations for personal information and review our efforts specified in the above items for improvement to ensure that your personal information is protected.

TEAC Corporation
Chief Privacy Officer
Yoshihiro Kurahara, Director
Established: April 1, 2005
Last updated: Jun 21, 2024

Handling of Personal Information

1. Collection of Personal Information

We may acquire your personal information in any of the following cases through our website in accordance with applicable laws and regulations by proper and fair means.

  1. When you purchase products or apply for services we provide;
  2. When you complete our surveys or apply for our offers of special benefits or sales promotion;
  3. When you apply registration of your product or for our customer support service, or when you create an account for our mail magazines and other membership service;
  4. When we respond to your inquiry;
  5. When you post your comments or other articles to our websites such as our home page or SNS sites, etc. operated or administered by us.
  6. When you apply for the job as our employee; or
  7. When we acquire personal information for the cases other than 1 to 6 above, we will notify you separately.

We handle personally referable information relating to certain individual, which even does not fall under the personal information (hereinafter referred to as "Personal Referable Information"), as personal information, in case that the personally referable information is referred to any other information and identify certain individual using separately obtained personally referable information.

We would like to ask you to provide your personal information from your own will. Please note, however, that services on this website may not be available if you choose not to provide certain personal information.

2. Purpose of Use of Personal Information

Your personal information provided may be used for the following purposes.

  1. To use your feedback and the like as a reference to plan, develop and set sales strategies for our merchandizing products, our services, etc.; to improve our merchandizing products or our services; or to set our business policies and the like;
  2. To ship our merchandizing products or provide our services (including membership services) to you;
  3. To provide relevant after-sales support (including provision of software upgrade information);
  4. To provide information on merchandising products or services we offer as well as events and sales promotions;
  5. To use your feedback and the like in sales promotion activities of merchandizing products and or services we offer such as advertising and marketing;
  6. To ask you to answer a survey;
  7. To contact you for transaction (including contemplating the possibility of transaction) or meeting with you or to respond to various inquiries from you;
  8. To make statistical data classified by attributes of users (age, address, etc.);
  9. To validate your identity or to confirm and ascertain your membership registration and usage, to analyze your access history for our website, etc. concerning our products and services, and to improve customer experience and other qualities such as our products, services, and website by utilizing your purchases or usage of our product or services and website access history, etc., by means of the login functionality of the membership services we provide or by means of tracking systems using technologies such as cookies or web beacons upon your access to our website;
  10. To consider the employment of you as our employee
  11. To prevent misconduct or illicit acts such as infringement of rights, or to respond as needed for investigations with the objective of protecting the rights of you, the Company, or any third parties;
  12. To perform audits and other legal checks required by laws and regulations such as accounting principles or by certain contracts; or
  13. When we use personal information for purposes other than 1 to 12 above, we will notify you of the purpose of the use individually.

3. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

We will not disclose or provide personal information obtained from you to any third party except for cases falling under any of the following items. When you submit us personal information about someone other than yourself, you must first obtain the person's consent for submission before the submission to us. When we acquire personal information from our business partners or the like, we will handle the personal information similarly.

  1. When we obtain your prior approval or consent;
  2. When required by laws or regulations;
  3. When personal information is disclosed to our subcontractors, where it is necessary for us to provide you with the services and the like within the scope of the Purposes of Use;
  4. When we provide and share personal information with our group companies to the extent necessary to achieve the Purposes of Use clearly specified to you;
    1. We will share customer information with our group company, TEAC Customer Solutions Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "TCS") and Esoteric Company (hereinafter referred to as "TEC"), as we remain the entity responsible for personal information management.
      Personal information to be used :
      Name, address, contact information, identity verification documents, histories of your product purchase, repair or service usage and the payment therefore with us, TCS or TEC, history concerning our customer support or communications with you, your login and membership registration status on the websites such as our home page or SNS sites, etc. operated or administered by us, TCS or TEC, and information acquired by technologies such as information communication terminals and cookies.
      Purpose of use :
      To respond to inquiries and requests concerning products and repairs; for the payment arising from the product shipment, service provision, etc.; to verify identity; to improve information management and customer experience on the websites or SNS sites operated or administered by us, TCS or TEC; for improvement or research and development of the merchandizing products and services; for advertising, marketing, and sales promotion activities for the products and services.
    2. When sharing your personal information between us and our group companies for purposes other than A, we will notify you in advance of with whom it is to be shared, what information is to be shared, the purpose of the use, etc. by means of posting on our home page, etc., displaying links, or otherwise.
  5. When it is necessary to protect the rights or property of the Company, you or other third parties, and it is difficult to obtain your consent;
  6. When it is necessary for advanced public health or children's healthy development, and it is difficult to obtain your consent;
  7. When it is necessary to cooperate with statutory work required by laws and regulations performed by any national or local government office, or their subcontractors, and it is difficult to obtain your consent; or
  8. When business or rights and obligations are to be succeeded between the Company and other companies due to merger or company split or others.

4. Security Measures for Personal Information

We will appropriately handle your personal information in accordance with Act on the Protection of Personal Information and our privacy policy. We will ensure the security of information system processing personal information through the following measures:

  • Engaged persons who handle personal information
    Define the required access rights and the respective scope for the purpose only persons who need to access may access the personal information; Establish the reporting system for the case any engaged persons finds the fact or symptoms in breach of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information or any internal rules on handling personal information; and Regularly train our engaged persons on precautions when handling personal information.
  • System Environment
    Set the restricted area so that we can allow and control the entry of the permitted persons and devices; Set and manage the access control for the engaged persons to limit the scope of person and database of personal information, and establish the environment where any person without the access right may not handle the personal information; and Develop and maintain the information security policy as a security standard that engaged persons shall comply and protect and prevent the devices from theft and unauthorized access, which will be reviewed and refined from time to time.
  • Transfer of personal information overseas
    Ensure the measures to help security management in addition to understanding the legal system of the country on personal information protection in case personal information is stored in any foreign country; and Notify you of the fact of transfer to the foreign county, the processing of information, and the outline of security measures.

5. Disclosure, Correction, Deletion of Personal Information

  1. We will provide you with your personal information we hold, when you or your agent authorized by you requests us to do so.
    However, we will not provide your personal information in the cases that fall under any of the following items.
    1. When there is a possibility to impair the rights or interests of you, other user, or any third party;
    2. When it could materially adversely affect to the business operations of the Company or our group companies; or
    3. When it may violate laws or regulations.
  2. When there is a mistake in your personal information we provided you, we will immediately correct or delete it.
  3. When you request us to provide your personal information, we may separately set and charge actual expenses for providing such information.
  4. When you request us to provide your personal information, you need to present a copy of identity verification documents (e.g., driver's license, insurance card, passport, certificate of residence, etc.).
  5. Acts of God such as natural disasters and other circumstances beyond our control may prevent us from providing the information.
  6. When you want to confirm information registered through the user registration form on our website or if you want to correct your information registered, login with your ID and password and then correct and confirm the information.

If you wish to take other procedure for disclosing, correcting or deleting your personal information, please communicate with us through the "Contact" shown in Section 6 below.

6. Suspension of Use or Provision of Personal Information

If you request us to suspend to use or provide your personal information, we will firstly identify the applicant, and then promptly suspend using or sharing your personal information with our group companies. When you request us, please communicate with us through the "Contact" in Section 6. However, please note that it may not be possible to delete minimum personal information necessary for our business operations in accordance with laws, regulations, and other requirements.

7. Contact for Personal Information

If you would like to confirm your own personal information or if you have any questions or queries regarding the content of this page, please contact with us through the following inquiry form.

8. Other

  1. Precautions for use of our services
    Please note that the services offered by us (including the services offered on our website) may not be available if you do not provide your personal information.
  2. Cookies
    We may use the technology called a "cookie" on our website to enhance the convenience of the site for the users to visit our site repeatedly.
    "Cookie" is a standard technology which allows the web server to identify your computer.
    "Cookies" will not identify an individual user, but identify the user's computer.
    You can change your browser's settings to refuse cookies, however certain functions on our site may be limited if you set to refuse cookies.
  3. Access logs using web beacons, etc.
    Web beacon :
    A web beacon (clear GIF) is a technology which uses a GIF file and a script to perceive access from your computer and can acquire statistical information such as the activity rate for a particular web page. By combining web beacons with cookies described above, information about when and from where our website was accessed is recorded on our web server as access logs. However, we are not able to identify you individually, unless you provide your personal information through cookies or by other means.
    Access logs :
    Access logs include the IP address, domain name, the browser type, and access time and date of the individual, who accessed the website.
    <Purpose of use of web beacons and access logs>
    We may use personal information in combination with your web beacon or access log records for the purposes described below.
    • To respond to you when you purchase or use our products or services, or make inquiries, etc. concerning the Company or our products, services or others.
    • To make a proposal for our products or services which meet your expectation when we identified you individually by your personal information provided to us by you and your history of visits to our website, etc.
    • To create statistical data, in which any individuals cannot be identified
    When using information from access logs, etc. in combination with other personal information in excess of the "Purpose of Use of Personal Information" above, we will clearly specify the purpose of use to users in advance.
    You can change your browser's settings to refuse the acceptance of cookies and use of web beacons, etc. For details, please refer to instructions for your browser. However, please note that refusing to accept cookies or web beacons, etc., may disable all or part of the services offered on our website or limit the convenience, such as functions only for identified persons.
  4. SSL
    SSL is a protocol that encrypts data in sending or receiving to prevent data eavesdropping or falsification.
    On this website we take measures to prevent your personal information from any third-party outsiders' wiretapping by using encrypted communications with SSL on the pages where personal information is sent or received such as user registration or submitting a completed survey.
  5. Links
    Our website may contain links to other websites operated by other parties. To ensure the security of your personal information on the websites operated by other parties, please check the privacy policies of those linked websites.
  6. Change in handling
    From time to time we may revise our privacy policy including this Handling of Personal Information to protect user's personal information or to comply with the amendments of the applicable laws and regulations or other changes in certain situations.